Date: All Year, Alternating Saturdays
Time: 12:30-1:30pm
Ages: All Ages (Mid Beginner to Intermediate)
Fee: $15 per class | $20 for non-students
Drum Lab is a great way for the students to start playing with other musicians, explore different percussion instruments and also learn about different styles and music genres like Rock, Funk, Jazz and Latin.
Once in this group setting you will notice your kids will excel as musicians even more quickly.
Students gain valuable stage & equipment experience, get more confident, make new friends and have a great time!
Northeastern MA: Haverhill, Amesbury, Bradford, Boxford, Georgetown, Groveland, Lawrence, Merrimack, Methuen, Newbury, North Andover, Rowley | Southern NH: Atkinson, Hampstead, Kingston, Merrimack Valley, Newton, Plaistow, Salem
All are welcome! If you can get here, we will teach you!