Date: Week starts Monday, June 26th
Time: 3:00-4:30pm
Ages: 6-12
Teacher: MikeD
Fee: $15 per class | $20 for non-students
Want to be in a band? Jams are the perfect way to meet other musicians and learn how to work “as a band”. Students tend to excel much faster on their instruments when they have other band members that rely on them. Jams are open to those who have already started working on their instruments and vocals too!
Northeastern MA: Haverhill, Amesbury, Bradford, Boxford, Georgetown, Groveland, Lawrence, Merrimack, Methuen, Newbury, North Andover, Rowley | Southern NH: Atkinson, Hampstead, Kingston, Merrimack Valley, Newton, Plaistow, Salem
All are welcome! If you can get here, we will teach you!