DeAngelis Studio Rock School Bands perform at some of the coolest venues! Mixx 360 in Malden hosts many National Acts and noting beats playing at the famous Hard Rock Cafe in Boston!!
Ring in the Holiday Season with DeAngelis Studio!

Join us for a display of amazing students in our Rock School band programs and lesson programs. Sat, December 14th 1pm we will be at The Claddagh in Lawrence, MA one of our favorite holiday venues! All Ages free show, come enjoy food, drinks and talented bands playing your favorite songs! Sun, December 15th startingContinue Reading

Cool Stuff Going on @ DeAngelis Studio!!!
Happy July 4th! On Vaca 6/29-7/6

Have an amazing July 4th week, our teachers will also be on a mush deserved week off, we will be back on Sat July 7th!
Kidsfest 2017, showcasing our talented students!!
On Sat May 13th 7 of our Rock School and Jams bands performed on the Steve Lyons Fund Stage at Kidsfest 2017. DeAngelis Studio of Music has been performing at this iconic festival since 2009, which featured 2 of our original Rock School Bands. Over the years DeAngelis Studio of Music has become well known forContinue Reading
Haverhill Idol 2017 Winner, “Amanda”!

For the second year in a row DeAngelis Studio of Music is proud to have another Haverhill Idol first place winner! At Kidsfest on Saturday May 13th DeAngelis Studio had 7 bands performing including Amanda’s band “Spur of The Moment”. Our bands we honored to be included on the Steve Lyons Fund Stage for theContinue Reading
DeAngelis Studio “End of Summer Bash”
Our next Rock School Concert featuring 10 of our great bands will take place at The American Legion in Haverhill on Sun Sept 11th from 11am to 4pm. Come and enjoy the last great days of summer, bring your blankets and chairs and summer games to share. Besides great music the day will also featureContinue Reading
Congratulations to Our Seniors! You Rock!!!
We want to shout out a BIG CONGRATULATIONS to all of the DeAngelis Studio Class of 2016 Graduates! We are so proud of all of you!!!!! As you embark on your next chapter Be the Change you Wish to See in the World, Be Fearless in the Pursuit of What Sets Your Heart on Fire,Continue Reading